
Since its inception in 1993, Pronghorn Studio has provided artistic support to individuals, companies, and developers throughout the United States.

During this time, Pronghorn Studio has established a national reputation for working closely with its clients to provide practical, cost-effective solutions to accomplish their goals.

Our studio is independently-owned and operated, and we maintain close connections with the local community. The Studio proudly sponsors the Carmel International Arts Festival, and our owner, Brian McFarland, regularly participates in civic events serving the needs of the local art community.


Brian McFarland, AIA

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With a formal education grounded in the study of Fine Art, Design and Architecture (University of Colorado, Boulder), Brian’s career as an artist spans 35 years, and his works and commissions have focused on projects that exemplify the broad breadth and commonalities of art and design.

Whether gallery work, public art, posters, murals or commercial illustration, the interrelationship and importance of telling a story and enhancing that message through the use of graphic visualization is his talent.